Friday, February 27, 2009

why Why WHy WHY?

why iie `fu chu` so many..
Eu stil knt see tiok..
Eu just see tiok she with him..
Did you ever see tiok me always beside you?
whn you say you no mood..
iie make you smile..
But when iie know da reason dat you no mood cus of her..
iie stil make you happy..
But did you ever think tiok when you no mood , sad bout her..
Always is ME make you smile..
iie already try dn so lovb eu already..
Den why YOU knt try to forget her?
Everytime you say you already forget her , already didnt find her..
i am happy!
iie happy that you try already!


At the end , she find eu..
She call you do wad..
Eu 100% help..
Even though you cannot do it..
You stil wil beg ppl help..
When then you wil wake up?
She wont like eu de..
everyone know she just like HIM!
And wont change!

iie say so many thg oso no use..
iie just hope that eu can chg..
Dont bcus of her , make urself no mood , sad~

[[ THE END ]]

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